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Le Loi

Long time ago, that was the time the country was reigned by Minh a country in north of the country. The enemies treated them very bad. Therefore, many revolutions happened but they had never gotten success. Laking of food and supporters were the reasons of their failure. But they grouped again at one because their leader was Le Loi, a person without discouragement.
One time, when Le Loi led insurgents fought against the enemies and got failure, they separated. Enemies rounded Le Loi but he escaped and ran away. The enemies chased after him to come to a small village. His case, now, was very dangerous. He ran cross plants and saw a man with his wife catching fish on a pond. He approached the man and asked:
“Please, let me catch fish here, the enemies were finding me”.
Then man took off his shirt and threw it to him. He hinted him to go down and pretended as he was catching fish with them. The enemies came to after that short time. They stopped by the pond, observed and asked the man:
“Hey man, Do you see a man run cross here?”
The man shook his head.
“I have never seen any body going pass here since I started catching here”, said the man.
When the enemies was busying in search plants, Le Loi up his head, observed them. Suddenly, the man shouted:
“Boy, do your work and don’t notice to others or you will not have your serving at lunch”.
Le Loi understood, he bent down and continued. Enemies thought Le Loi was the man’s family so they didn’t notice him and didn’t ask any more. Few minutes later, they went.
That afternoon, the man brought Le Loi to his house. That night, some his fellows also found the way to come to the house and regrouped with him. The man and his wife wanted to treat them meals, but they were poor. They had a monkey. But if they sold the mokey now, enemies would know. At last, the couple decided slaughtered the monkey to treat them. Food was served to the others. Le Loi had the serving and got more a plate of fried fish which were catching at the day. Early morning, they parted. Le Loi held the man’s hand and said:
“We will never forget you help. If we have chances we will repay”.
Another time, they failed. Insurgents couldn’t stand against the enemies. They separated one more time. Le Loi ran alone and went to a forest. Three enemies chased after him. When he came to a crossroads, he saw a dead woman who was raped and killed by enemies. Le Loi stopped and muttered:
“Please, help me. I promise I will revenge for you”.
The he ran but now he was in emergency. At last, he decided to hide himself in a bush. The enemies chased to they didn’t know where he was. But, they had their dog and made them to find him. Dog barked at the bush where he was. Immediately, they used a spear and stabbed. They stabbed him in his thigh but Le Loi had to forced himself not to make a noise. And when the spear was taken out he had to use his clothes to clean blood on the spear.
Though, the dog still stood there and barked. They planned to throw the spear one more time. Fortunately, a fox jumped out form the bush and ran. The dog chased after the fox at one. The enemies ran after the dog. They beat the dog and scolded it. Then they went away. Due to that, Le Loi survived.
Then hard days passed. Insurgents, at last, had the first victory then they had other victories. They   repelled the enemies out of the area.
Then Le Loi ascended the throne at Thang Long. He had never forgotten people who had helped him. He asked powerful mandarin to bring treasures to the man’s house and gifted them but they both died. So, the mandarins used the treasures to build a temple on their house. Every year, mandarins and generals had to come there and held a ceremony at begin of the year. The feast was simple, a plate of rice, a plate of monkey meat and a plate of fried fish that was same as what they had treated him.
About the dead woman, Le Loi also asked people to build a temple to worship her. He thought that the woman’s soul had changed into the fox and helped him. He didn’t know her name, so he called her “Hộ quốc phu nhân” (the woman, who has helped this country).
The end.🎭🎭🎭


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