Aladdin found the way went to their wedding room first. Aladdin's mother on purpose let princess realize him who was rounded by crowd of others. She's satisfied because Aladdin was young and handsome. "I will be the poorest person my princess," said Aladdin, raised her hand and gave it a kiss, "if my wish getting married with you make you unhappy. However, it's not only my fault. Your beauty itself charmed me." "My groom," said the princess, "Now I'll say what I think. I come here following my father words and while I'm here, I want to say that I don't repent." Her answered satisfied Aladdin. He happily grabbed her hand, led to living room where his jinnee had prepared a meal. The room was decorated by lamps, candles and roses, beautiful and romantic. There were delicious-looking food on golden dishes setting on the table. The knives and forks were made of silve. All of them, things on the table, were precies and glitt...
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