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Bee girl

There was a country area where a student named Si lived. His father had died so he lived with his mother who old. It was pretty hard that he both took care of his mother and worked. Si wanted to marry with someone that she could look after his mother but girls didn’t want him because he’s poor. Consequently, she lived alone, worked as a woodcutter to live. Every day, he woke up much more early than others, walked to forest, cut wood and brought it to street, sold it. He come back home at afternoon. That moment, he had time to look at his books, tried to study something.
Day by day, he did the things, hoping that one day when the king opened competition he would be the person written his name on the golden list. Of course, people who had names on golden list were people who passed the contests and would be a mandarin serving the king.
That year, the king opened competition. All students in the country in hurry went toward capital to the competition. Si also wanted to go that was his wish but he couldn’t free to leave his mother without anyone staying by and besides, he didn’t have much money to pay for things he needed on his journey they made him think much. The day was coming, his fellows, other student, made their way to capital after other until only he didn’t go. But, at last, he had his decision, going. He asked his neighbors to look after his mother and they agreed. The other thing, he needed was money. Had tried to borrow some one but people he knew were just like him, poor so that he didn’t get much. But, it didn’t prevent his steps he still set off.
Firstly, he followed a trader, helped him shouldered his goods. But after two days, the trader arrived to the place he needed so he gave him money and let him set off. He continued his journey, walking toward capital. Two days later, the money had gone but he didn’t stopped he needed to hurry because the day was coming very close. Thought that he would be lucky to have a job on his way but it was too bad he met a rain so that no one wanted a person to hire. It had only three days for him to go to capital. He didn’t have time to think much but to continue going though he was very hungry. And, it was not lucky as he found him in forest path while sun was downing. He tried to go as fast as he could but the sun had vanished before he could find any house. It was so dark he was forced to stay in forest. The made his way to an ancient tree, climbed on a branch and intended to sleep on it. Fortunately, as he climbed on the tree, he saw light. Happily, he got down and hurriedly made his way toward the light. Short time later, he came to a small hut. He approached the hut and intended to knock on the door but it had been opened. A girl took an oil lamp, went out. It was a beautiful girl but blind.
“I am waiting for you student”, said the girl.
He startled. “How can she know that I am a student and will come”, he thought, “She is domen?”
So that he hesitated not wanting to go in and also to go away because he was very tired and hungry. At last, he risked going in, didn’t forget to look after his back. There had a old maid in that hut. The girl invited him to sit down on a chair then turned to the old maid, told her to take food. The maid went and brought food back, set on table where they were sitting.
“We have only the things, simple. Hope you will enjoy it”, said the girl.
He doubted but the hunger won so he took chopsticks and tasted a little. It’s good that meant delicious and like normal dishes. Therefore, he started eating and filled full his stomach by the dishes. He had to admit that he had never felt satisfied like that, about food. After eating, the maid set a place for him to sleep. He laid his back on the place but he didn’t dare to sleep. But, one more time, he failed and his sleepiness won. He fastly fell in deep sleep.
He suddenly woke up at night, heard winds blew outside. Rain was heavier and heavier. The girl now was outside and he could hear her voice.
“Old maid”, she said gently, “winds had change blowing to the north. The hive at the third branch fell. You go and take a look”.
“Strange”, he thought, “How can a blind know things as a normal”. He fell in his thought then slept again.
Winds get stronger it seemed to want to bring the roof away. He woke up again. The girl and the old maid were still outside.
“Those strong winds will bring them away but don’t mind they’ll come back”, the voice of the girl, “some of them need to come in behind”. Then he heard the old maid strode to the back garden. He got on his feet, found the way to out. Under lightings, he saw the girl standing under an old tree which had many hive hanging on its giant branches. Many bees I mean they are millions of bees were buzzing around the tree, the hives and some of them stayed on the girl’s clothes. He turned back in the hut, let the girl and the old maid work. Till felt doubted, he grabbed a candle, searched around. He found out a book. He opened it and started reading. That’s a Buddhist book. He excitedly read the book until the girl and old maid walked in. He shut the book.
“I am very grateful because of what you did for me”, he said, “But, I am just curious. Only two you stay here in the wild forest. That is mysterious I mean how you can live in there? What do you do to live? And how you know I am a student? I want to know the things before I leave”.
“There is my father’s hut”, the girl said gently, “He had ever a mandarin but felt disgusted bad behaviors of his fellows. Therefore, he built it, this hut and brought us, me and my mother to here. They fed bees to live. Three years ago, he and my mother died, left me here with the old maid and bees. Bees give us honey which can change for food in market so we can live. I had been a normal girl but years ago, my eyes suddenly pained and later, I couldn’t see any more. But, it was not misfortune that I can feel things normal can’t. Yesterday, I felt that a student would come and you came.” She stopped a little, “The book what you are holding is my father’s. If you like, you can read it in peace. I mean you don’t need to hurry the competition only open after seven days”.
He now could be easy, continued reading the book. Till morning, he said goodbye them and set off because of the competition. The girl insisted him to stay there few days but he didn’t. At last, she gave him a little food and money. He didn’t take money, only took the food.
“I will never forget you and what you did for me. if I have chance, I will repay”, he said.
The arrived to capital at the next afternoon and was informed that the competition was delayed five days what was exactly what the girl had said.
The competition of that year, the king gave them questions about Buddhism. Many students failed because very few of students had ever read about it. He was so lucky reading a Buddhist book. Therefore, he passed the competition and had his name on golden list. The king gave him much money and soldiers who went with him back to his home to do a ceremony thanking his ancestors and neighbors. He intended to go in the forest to thank the girl and old maid but he and soldiers just stepped on hill, they saw a girl in distance. That’s the girl. She seemed to be waiting for him, taking flowers. Yellows bees stood on her clothes looked like bullion thread, very beautiful. He approached her and surprised she could see. The black crystal eyes made her more much beautiful.
“It’s you, the bee girl?” he said.
“Yes, I am”, said the girl, smiling happily.
“You can see again, right? But how?” he said, still felt surprised.
“That’s because of bee queen which found out rare floral honey and brought it, dropped on my eyes so that I was cured”, she said in happy voice, “Have you name on golden list, uh uhu; I felt it”.
“Yeahh”, he said, looking at the girl closely that’s enough for him could see her pink cheeks. After that, he and soldiers went toward her hut, stayed at there few days. Then, he brought the girl and old maid to his home, told his mother he wanted to marry with her. His mother had nothing happier she agreed. A happy wedding was organized and bridesmaids were bees which brought flowers, flew above the broom’s head. I must say it’s very beautiful.
The end.🎭🎭🎭


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