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Two girls, two tumors

A maid unfortunately was born with a tumor on her face. The tumor turned bigger as she grew up and destroy her beauty. Though, she was a happy person loving singing and she could sing everyday, entire daytime. Her voice very nice that made people felt happy as they heard she sang.
One day as normal, she followed her friends to the forest and collected dried boughs. She followed dried boughs without noticing that she had gone in forest deeply and sun was going to down. A thunder suddenly rumbled which made her realize where she was now and what time it was. Wind blew through trees violently, dark clouds came and hid the sky after them. A storm was coming. Drops started falling down on ground. She made her way back to find her friends but they had left. That moment, she couldn’t risk her life to come home. Therefore, she ran to find a place which could protect her from the storm. Fortunately, she found a hole on an ancient tree. She went in the hole and waited the rain stopped but when the rain stopped, it had been dark. She felt scared and didn’t dare to go home alone.
“Dark was scary. Better I should stay here till mornig”, she thought.
Then, she cleaned the hole covered it by leaves and helped herself lie. She also didn’t forget to put her wood front the hole to hide her from beasts. She tried to sleep.
Midnight, she was woken up voices it seemed somebody was singing. She took her wood aside and went out the hole. The first thing she saw was moon, full moon which spread gentle light but it was enough for her to see everything. The place which was a quarter of mile from her was a greensward where a crowd was singing, dancing, laughing around a flame. She went to look them more clearly and realized that the people wore strange clothes and when she went more closely.
“God. They are devils”, she thought.
She immediately hid herself behind a ancient tree and observed. Front of her now was crowd of devils, black face, black thick fur on their body, ferocious eyes and some of them had fangs or horns. They stood on two feet but their lower half bodies looked life the part of goat. They continued singing and didn’t know the maid was observing them. She admitted that they had not nice voice but their voices were filled full by happiness. She whispered after their song and later, without her notice she made her voice higher. All devils stopped and turned and ran to her at one.
“Aha, your voice’s so nice. Why don’t you join us and sing?” said one of them then grabbed her hand pulled to the flame. Firstly, she felt nervous due to their shapes but they later, she got again her calm and started singing. All of devils kept silent till the first song finished. They gave her a round of applause, praised her. They gave her fruit and asked her to eat them. Later, they asked her to sing another song while they were dancing and playing musical instruments. They sang, danced and played music till early morning.
“Well done, girl but we have to go. See you tomorrow night”, said one of them.
“I am not sure that I can”, said the maid.
“Hey guys! She said that she isn’t sure that she will come back. How if she will not come back?” yelled the devil.
“Had better we hold something belonging to her, a worthy thing. It may be this thing”, said another pointing at her tumor. They took out the tumor from her face and disappeared.
The maid found the way to her home. Felt happy because she had gotten rid of the rumor which made her ugly.
“Look! Our girl has turned beautiful”, said a person to others as he saw her.
“How can you turn beautiful?” they asked her.
The maid said whole thing happened in the last night. Her story fastly speard it came to a girl, daughter of the landlord in that area. The girl also had a tumor on her face. Immediately, she made her way to the maid after heard about her story. The maid led the girl to the place where she had met devils then left. The girl stayed in the hole waited devils came. Nightfall, devils came back. They ran to where the girl was staying, held her hand and pulled to the flame.
“Ouch! Let off your hand from me”, said the girl angrily. The girl who lived in wealth was accustomed to being served by others felt hideous as the hands with full of fur in it touched her. The devils made her scared and didn’t dare to look at them though she still followed them to the flame.
“Sing! Sing! Sing!” cheered the devils but she seemed to be not happy as she was rounded by ugly devils. Therefore, her voice turned too high that made devils deafen and course her voice was not nice as the maid. The devils felt disappointed after the first song.
“Terrible! Your voice. We don’t need you anymore”, said one of them.
That words made the girl felt unhappy she turned back and went toward her home but later, a devil ran after her.
“Your thing”, said the devil.
The girl still didn’t realize what happened, she had felt something stuck on her face. She touched on her face and
“God, here is one more tumor”, she screamed.
The end.🎭🎭🎭


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