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Showing posts with the label Vietnamese fairy tales

Be rain-god a day

Cong Tran was a pedestrian. He had gone to many places and helped many people. One time, he walked to a place, name Ha Hoa. Ha Hoa, that time was being burned by the sun and had not had any raindrops for years. Tre turned droopy, the ground was tore. He went along roads in long time but he could find no tea shop. Therefore, he made his way to a house by road to ask people for water but none was in the house. He looked around to find a little water but he could not find a little. All jars, bottles and other things which were used to contain water were dry. He went out and walked into the next house. There was nothing different, none in the house and no water. At last, he climbed up a huge rock, looked around to find ponds, river or somewhere had water but he only saw bottoms of ponds and rivers. Though he was thirsty, he had no choice but to continue walking, he steeped and steeped in hours till he saw a crowd of people who were tried to take water flowing from a cliff. He immediately

Cruel stepmother

A man had two wives and each wife gave birth to a son, Linh and Lang. Linh was child of the first wife and Lang was child of the other. Linh’s mother died early left him staying with father, the second mother and Lang. Lang was older than Ling five years old and treated Linh as his same mother brother but his mother didn’t thought that she hated Linh. When Linh grew up, his father let him to study in school because he was son of the first wife while Lang followed his father, worked on their field. Unfortunately, his father died, left assets which were accumulated in three generations, vast field, red roof house with large gardens around, ponds will full of fish. Although the second wife still treated Linh normal as if he was her son but in fact she implicitly planned to harm him to usurp asset because the fate of women, not first wife, and their children just inherited very little. One day, the second wife requested Lang and Linh to go to market to buy fire-wood. Before they went, s

Girl wanna marry with prince

In a small village, there had a beautiful girl. People living around her all praised her beauty. The girl had a dream, marrying with a prince but she also kept the dream for herself, in secret. A trader had a shop in that village, fell in love with her beauty. He used to tease he whenever he walked pass his shop but the girl always replied him with stern face. Though, he didn’t give up, still caught chances to talk with her. And a strange thing he found out was, she bought incense each day. He wondered: “What does she do with the incense?” Therefore, he followed her when he left the street-market to discover what she will do with the incense. The girl walked in a temple on the way leading to home. The trader walked after her and hid himself behind a door and he heard entire her wish she prayed God. The next time, he waited the girl bought incense, he sprinted to the temple, hid himself after statues. When the last word went out from her mouth, a voice suddenly came out from statue

Two storks, a turtle

A woman was haughty and always gave others venomous words when they made her unhappy. She not only scolded the people but also she scolded their parent and their grandparents. When the woman died, the death god forced her to rebirth in a turtle. The turtle spent its life in a pond alone, having normal days with fish and shrimps, her food. One year, it didn’t rain. The pond turned dry until it was a pond of mud and still continued turning dry. One day, two storks flew to and landed on the pond. They waded in mud to find something to eat. And just caught some shrimps when they met the turtle. “Who are you? Get away, now or I will tear you in pieces”, shouted the turtle. The storks felt unhappy as they were scolded but they kept their calm and conversed to make her calm. “Ohh, you are also here, sister. We don’t come here to rob your food but to want to help you. Help you have food in this difficult time”, said the storks in happy voice. “Sister! Who is your sister? Don’t try to be

Mage save his disciple

Dang was place where a famous mage lived. He was knows as a person who was expert at magics especially foreknowledge. A student wanted to study his magics so he left his wife at home then found the way to Dang. He had found the mage and had studied for three years. One day, he came and asked his master, the mage, to come home to meet his wife because he had left his house for long time and missed her. “Show me your palm”, said the mage. He showed his master his palm. The mage considered his palm a while. “Had better stay here. You only stuck in dangerous things if you come home”, said his master. He obeyed but he didn’t feel happy and his master also realized that thing. Few days later, his master called him to him and said: “I can’t keep here while your heart was away from here but you know I can see dangerous things which are waiting for you in future. Remember my words”, said his mage, “See village hall, don’t walk in. Get fragrant water, don’t shampoo. See chickens, don’t ex

An and Nghia

An and Nghia were woodcutter who used to go in forest together, cut down trees, pulled them out and sold to traders. Days they worked and stayed together made they turned familiar till An got married. An’s wife was a beautiful woman who loved An so much. Nghia turned unhappy as his friend go married he envied. He used to think: “More handsome than him, stronger than him and cleverer than him but why what he has better than me”. Now, his heart was filled full by jealousy and bad thinking. One day as normal, they brought their axes, made their way to forest. Nghia lied that he found out a rare tree and led An went to forest deeply, crossed three mountains and six waterfalls. While An was in a deep wooded valley looking for the tree, Nghia after him threw a noose through An’s body. Though An had tried his best to resist but Nghia was stronger than him. So, short time later, An was tied. “Please, let me go”. An begged, “If you want money, I will find the way to give you enough”. “Oh m

Cat and mouse

Ngoc Hoang was king who ruled in heaven. As other kings, he had stores which storied all treasures belonging to him. The stores needed a person to manage them. Thu was one of gods living in heaven, clear and hard work. Therefore, Ngoc Hoang entrusted the job, taking care of the   stores, to Thu. Ngoc Hoang gave him keys and said: “Though all things in heaven are unlimited, we shouldn’t waste them. Therefore, I need a person to manage them. That is you. You don’t need to report to me daily. Twice a year are enough”, said Ngoc Hoang. “Follow your words, my king”, said Thu. Thu happily received his new position. Few years later, Thu did his duty well he set things at their places, didn’t wasted anything. Ngoc Hoang was very satisfied but nothing could keep its initial state pass time. Because things which belonged to Ngoc Hoang were very great none could count or measure, Thu thought about stealing. “Only a little could be enough for my family to live till they died”, he thought.

Invisible cloak

Trieu was born in Cao Bang. He worked as a fisher. Though he didn’t have much more than tools which helped him catch fish, Trieu was kindness person he used to buy food and divided to poor people whenever he caught many fish. Therefore, people living in the area respected him so much. Later, Trieu moved to Thai Nguyen and fished. At there, he had saved many people. One day, he walked to home more early than normal because he didn’t catch any fish and met an old man who was lying by road. The man lay under a tree without clothes he trembled whenever wind swept cross his body. Trieu felt sorry for him he took off his cloak and covered the poor man. Then, he continued going to his home. Time passed. One day, while he was on boat fishing, he heard music echoing from high mountain standing by the shore. He stopped to listen the wonderful music. The next morning, the music echoed again, again and again in next days. Trieu turned more curious each passing day. At   last, he decided to find

Hunter and witch

A hunter chased after a deer and went deeply in forest. He arrived to a place which seemed not to have visited by human before. He found the way to turn back but the more he went the more he disorientated. Long time later, he made his way pass bushes to a stream and drank, he saw a small house standing by the stream. He happily walked toward the house, knocked   on the door. A young girl appeared after the door, invited him to go in and prepared for him a meal. Though the hunter felt doubting, he ate things on the table because he was so hungry. She also didn’t intend to hide him that she was going to find a husband she looked happy as she met a man. After the meal, she turned to the hunter and said: “Now, you have to hide yourself if you don’t want to lose your life”. “Why?” said the hunter in surprise. “You don’t know my mother is a witch, do you? She was a dark witch who will kill you if she sees you. Now, she is absent but she will early come back. But, don’t worry, if you and

Fairy Lieu Hanh

Ngoc Hoang, the king of gods in heaven, had a daughter, named Lieu Hanh. Lieu Hanh was fairy who was headstrong and usually didn’t obey rules in heaven. Ngoc Hoang had advised her many times but he still did what she wanted. Therefore, Ngoc Hoang decided to punish his daughter to teach her a lesson. One time, Lieu Hanh made a mistake, his father forced her to get down and lived on ground three years. Lieu Hanh transformed into a beautiful girl and built a hut, sold tea under Ngang pass after she landed on ground. The place was wild trees that grew up luxuriantly but the road leading from north to south crossed there so many travelers crossed there everyday. Besides, there had only a tea shop because others feared robbers and beasts around the place. Consequently, her tea shop was always crowded. Though Lieu Hanh was punishing, she was still arrogant and didn’t respect any rules. Therefore, people went in her hut, drank tea then went away without trouble, would have no harm but anyone

The poor and god

Gods treated them too bad that his grandpa and his father both lived in poverty till they died. He, now, also lived in poverty like them though he worked very hard. He was a student who worked hardly in daytime and tried to study in nighttime with hope he could change his fate on a day. But, his fate seemed not to change a little. Therefore, he decided to set off and ask god how to change his fate. According to rumors, God used to land on an island which stood in middle of sea whenever he wanted to avoid problems in heaven. The way leading to the island was very long and dangerous but it didn’t make him give up. He had gone for ten day, walking in daytime and resting in nighttime but food and money he brought also nearly had gone. Therefore, he went in a building and asked the owner to help him. The owner of the building was a landlord who invited in his home and treated him well. “Where are you going?” asked the landlord as they were in the dinner. “I am on the way going to the i

Magical vial

Long time ago, a boy worked as a woodcutter lived in a small village. One day, he brought his ax went to forest and cut wood as normal. While he was cutting he saw a crow brought a sparrow cross his head and landed on a branch near him. He felt sorry for the sparrow as he saw it. Therefore, he took a rock and threw toward the crow. The crow dropped the sparrow flew up because of surprise but the crow didn’t give up it flew around on his head and cawed loudly. He bent down took some rocks and threw toward it. “Go away, crow”, he shouted. The crow angrily flew away. It frightened him that it would come back to revenge. After it had gone, he ran toward the sparrow, picked it up and warmed it. Minutes later, the sparrow woke up and could fly. It thanked him and asked him to wait it few minutes it wanted to gift him something. It flew away and came back with a vial of liquid in its beak. It put the vial next to him and said: “This is magical liquid which help people turn younger and mor

Transform into cricket

In Le dynasty, almost people liked a game that was cricket-fighting. People wasted much money to have strong crickets brought to cricket arena and let them fight. Owner of winning cricket would have award and besides, fighting also started betting games that made many people lose entire their asset. Though, the recent king was also a person who liked cricket-fighting. Mandarins and generals also followed the king’s hobby fed crickets, participated in cricket fighting. Every year, the king held cricket matches in the castle with participation of mandarins and generals. Course, the king always wanted him to be the winner so he forced headers of districts around the castle to give him strong crickets. The owner of the cricket winning in matches would have an award and the owners of crickets losing would had nothing and besides they were punished. The header of northern area of capital had a great cricket which had won all crickets in that area. The header liked his cricket very much he

Two girls, two tumors

A maid unfortunately was born with a tumor on her face. The tumor turned bigger as she grew up and destroy her beauty. Though, she was a happy person loving singing and she could sing everyday, entire daytime. Her voice very nice that made people felt happy as they heard she sang. One day as normal, she followed her friends to the forest and collected dried boughs. She followed dried boughs without noticing that she had gone in forest deeply and sun was going to down. A thunder suddenly rumbled which made her realize where she was now and what time it was. Wind blew through trees violently, dark clouds came and hid the sky after them. A storm was coming. Drops started falling down on ground. She made her way back to find her friends but they had left. That moment, she couldn’t risk her life to come home. Therefore, she ran to find a place which could protect her from the storm. Fortunately, she found a hole on an ancient tree. She went in the hole and waited the rain stopped but when

Student and three devils

Once upon a time, a landlord couple gave birth to a daughter when they were rather old so they cosseted her much. Their   daughter grew up into a beautiful girl that made her parent treat her more well. They built for her a nice building hired people to collect rare flowers to grow in garden around the building they want their daughter lived in beautiful place as wonderland. Three foxes living in forest near the place. They had lived for very long time and had studied some magics but they used to use their magics to harm people. They heard about the beautiful girl and wanted to harm her. Therefore, they transformed into a three-petal-flower which looked very strange, one petal was blue, another was white and the other was red. A woodcutter on his way to forest saw the flower standing by road. That was the strangest flower he had ever seen, course, it was also beautiful. The woodcutter dug up and brought the flower to the landlord and got his money. The flower was very strange and bea

Tu Thuc go to wonderland

A boy, named Tu Thuc, lived in Tran dynasty. He was offspring of a mandarin and was taught carefully. When he was 20 years old, he got passed all contests the king organized. So, he was appointed to be district mandarin. Not like other mandarins he liked freedom, hated rules. He also didn’t like to swarm others. He liked to drink, do poetry and go sightseeing. A large temple stood in the area he managed. Peonies were grown in temple’s garden and they bloomed in every January that was also the time the temple had a Buddhist festival. Many people from anywhere gathered at there as the festival started. Tu Thuc had heard about the festival and wanted to go to there one time. He put on normal clothes that helped him not to be realized by others. He went alone to the temple. That time, Buddhism was national religion of the country so monks were people who had high positions. Monks set a rule that anyone who picked up flowers or broke boughs would be paid for that and if they had no money