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Announcement: "The 72 Demons of Solomon: A Comprehensive Guide" Now Available on Kobo Books and Apple Books!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest ebook,  "The 72 Demons of Solomon: A Comprehensive Guide,"  now available for purchase on both  Kobo  and  Apple Books  for just  $12 ! Discover the Secrets of Ancient Demonology Dive deep into the mystical world of King Solomon's 72 demons with this meticulously crafted guide. "The 72 Demons of Solomon" offers an in-depth exploration of the origins, powers, and rituals associated with each demon, providing both historical context and practical guidance for those interested in the esoteric arts. Whether you're a scholar, a practitioner, or simply curious about the occult, this ebook is an invaluable resource that will expand your understanding of these enigmatic entities. Where to Purchase Kobo Books:   The 72 Demons of Solomon on Kobo Apple Books:   The 72 Demons of Solomon on Apple Books For only  $12 , you can own this comprehensive guide and delve into the shadowy realms where ancient wisdom meets mod


Among various subordinate Æsir, who in their own right are powerful enough, but who virtually serve as retainers to the others, appear Hermod and Skirnir. Skirnir, Frey’s servant, has already been discussed.1 Hermod is the son of Odin, and bears the sobriquet, “the resolute”; he is employed in all sorts of errands and embassies. Odin himself presented his son with helmet and byrnie. Hermod is celebrated for his mission to Hel for the purpose of bringing Balder back again. It is Hermod and Bragi who go forth to meet Hakon the Good and to bid him welcome to Valhalla on Odin’s behalf. Essential Reads: Engaging Books You Can't Miss! Ebook Banner Bilingual Vietnamese Fairy Tales Vietnamese Fairy Tales Collection Shan Hai Jing The 72 Spirits of Solomon


The story has already been told2 of how the Giantess Skadi was received into the society of the Æsir and of how Njord was given to her as a husband by way of recompense for the murder of her father Thjazi. Loki’s wiles provided the direct occasion for these events. Once upon a time Odin, accompanied by Loki and Hœnir, set forth on a journey that took them across mountains and over wastes where it was no easy matter to find food. At length, on descending into a valley, they caught sight of a drove of oxen; seizing one of the herd they kindled a fire, and began to boil the flesh. When they supposed the meat to be cooked, they took it off the fire; but it was far from done, and they had to let it boil a while longer. The same thing happened a second time; so they fell to debating the strange occurrence and wondering what might be the cause. As chance would have it, they were sitting under a tree, and so they heard a voice above their heads saying that he who sat perched in the tree was t


In the morning of time, when Asgard and Valhalla were newly built, the gods lived in innocence, happiness and peace. “Glad in their courtyard they played at chess, nor of gold lacked aught”; so runs the description in the Voluspá of this golden age of the Æsir. Then came three mighty Thursar maidens out of Jotunheim, and enmity arose between Æsir and Vanir. One link in the chain of strife was the burning in Valhalla of a woman named Gullveig; “three times they burned the thrice born, again and again- yet still she lives.” The Æsir take counsel together to learn whether peace may still be preserved. Nothing can be done. Odin hurls his spear over the ranks of the enemy, and the first battle of the hosts begins. The walls of the Æsir stronghold are penetrated and the Vanir pour through the breach into Asgard. Yet eventually peace is declared between Æsir and Vanir, the story of which has already been told above. Now the golden age of innocence is at an end; the gods are compelled to def


Concerning the mighty deeds and the destinies of the gods much has here been recounted; much less concerning their daily life in Asgard with those of mankind who came into their fellowship. Both Freyja and Odin made the Heroes welcome: Freyja in Folkvang, and Odin in Vingolf and Valhalla. We learn nothing, however, as to which of these domains was to be preferred; we have evidence only as to the manner in which Odin and the Heroes fleeted the time in Valhalla. It would seem that men generally thought of Valhalla as the resort of the fallen Heroes; there they passed their days in mirth and gladness. Odin himself chose them through the Valkyries; and the foremost among them were welcomed by certain Æsir or by doughty elder Heroes who went forth to meet them. In Valhalla the Heroes amuse themselves day by day with battles and banquets. In the morning, donning their armor they sally upon the field to fight and kill one another; yet they rise again unharmed, sit down to eat and drink, and r


All supernatural beings, good and evil alike, had one name in common, Vettir (vœttir, véttir, “spirits,” “sprites”), which is still to a certain extent in use. The good ones were called Kind Sprites (hollar vœttir), and the evil ones were called Bad Sprites (meinvœttir, úvœttir). To the Kind Sprites belonged the so-called Land-Sprites, guardian divinities of a given country. In Iceland the Land-Sprites were held in high esteem; according to the earliest legal code (“Ulfljot’s Law”), it was forbidden to sail a ship of war into any Icelandic harbor bearing at the prow a “gaping head or snout,” which might terrify the Land-Sprites. The worst misfortune one could bring to a man was to invoke upon him the hostility of the Land-Sprites. This was exactly what Egil Skallagrimsson did when to gain revenge he raised a “libel-pole” against Erik Bloody-Axe. Before sailing away from Norway, Egil went ashore on an island lying far out to sea. As the story runs: “Egil walked up on the island. Carryi


The Dwarfs and the Dark-Elves, between whom a sharp distinction was not always drawn, lived far beneath the surface of the earth or else made their habitat within great rocks or mounds. They were small of stature and ill-favored; the Dark-Elves were commonly reputed to be blacker than pitch. A large number of Dwarfs are mentioned by name in ancient literature; an interpolated passage in the Voluspá lists a long array of them, among others their chief Modsognir (or Motsognir?), and next in order after him, Durin. Other Dwarfs were Brokk,l Dvalin, and the four whom Odin appointed to hold up the vault of the heavens, namely North, East, South, and West. The chief occupation of the Dwarfs was that of smith, in which they had no rivals. All the most notable weapons and all the precious gems mentioned in the oldest myths were the work of cunning Dwarfs. The Dwarfs hated both gods and men and were unwilling to do them service; if nevertheless they were compelled to do so, they strove to give