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Showing posts with the label Vietnamese fairy tales

Cuong Bao fight against gods

Once upon a time, there appeared a fisher who had huge and muscular body and especially, he had extraordinary strength. He was combative and wild. He called himself Cuong Bao. His father died when he was born so he lived with his mother. When he grew up, he left and went to the shore, built a hut and lived in there working as a fisher. Cuong Bao liked to sing, he used to sing whenever he felt happy. He had only a friend who was Tao Quan, the god ruled ground because Tao Quan liked to sing, too. Tao Quan and Cuong Bao treated the other very well. Cuong Bao used to invite Tao Quan to drink when he caught fresh fish and shrimps and Tao Quan, on other side, used to let him know things which only gods knew. Therefore, Cuong Bao always foresaw all things that made him turned haughtier that he didn’t respect anyone, ghosts or devils and including gods, he also didn’t respect. Since he got married, he didn’t treat his mother as well as the before he used to be against his mother. His mother

Hoang Tin Hau

In  Le dynasty, an army had many merits and was appointed being a duke. Duke had much power in country and he also had an area to rule, there was Phu Thi. All people who lived in Phu Thi had to obey him following all his rules. People who went cross his mansion gate had to get down their horses and downed their heads. Anyone who made him satisfied would be punished. Though people in that area didn’t need to pay taxes, he forced them to serve him and his family fully. Whatever Duke wanted no one dared to refuse. When Duke died, he left eight sons. Though his sons weren’t mandarin as him, they inherited his father’s area and course, they had power to rule it. Except the eighth boy who was just twelve years old, the other had more bad behaviors than their father. They ordered people to feed them that they didn’t eat in their home but to eat at whoever’s home they wanted. They always sent their servants to people’s house and requested them to cook a feast on next day when they came. Eve

Quan Tu

Quan  Tu, who was known as the kindest person on the world. His kindness not only was given to human but also animals. He used to help others who were poor by his money while he lived simply. One time, Quan Tu bought some bowls of rice and a rooster to prepare for his father's death anniversary. He stored the rice in a jar and caged the rooster.  A mouse used to steal his rice. Quan Tu had known that but he ignored it. That time, the mouse came again sneaking in rice jar and intended to eat on the sly. Quan Tu caught it. “Oh! A poor mouse. You must be hungry but this is rice used to to cook a feast for my father” he said while the mouse was trembling, “So, you must go and find other things to eat”. Then, he let the mouse free. That night, a fox sneaked in his home, made its way to the cage the rooster was staying. The fox planed to go through the cage, catch and eat the rooster but it was stuck that its neck was stuck in hole of the cage. Besides, the rooster alarmed loudl

Man and tiger

When a tiger was striding around, it fell in a trap. The tiger had tried its best to get out the trap but it couldn’t the trap was so solid. Fortunately, a man somehow crossed the place. “Hello!” said the tiger loudly while the man looked around, “I’m here.” added the tiger. “Why are you here man?” said the tiger when the man approached it, “Do you know that you are in danger. I have to remind that is very dangerous as you are in here my fellows are hunting in   this area. But,” it stopped, “you are very lucky meeting me here. I will help you go out this forest without any injury. So, come here and help me get out this trap”. “You will not kill me if you get rid of the trap, will you”, said the man incredulously. “God”, the tiger laughed, “I am respected as a god here that I have never betrayed my words. I, king of all animals, will never forget your help. That will be a favor if you help me get rid of the trap”. The man had no doubting he approached the trap and help the tige

Hide pearl in flesh

Once upon a time, a king who ruled a country in the north owned a pearl. The pearl was very heavy but especially human could take it lightly and the second special point that it spreed light in nighttime; though it was hid in anywhere, its light still could come out. The king really liked it, he   brought it whole day. One day, the pearl disappeared. The king immediately ordered his servants to go and find it. The servants searched anywhere in the country but they couldn’t find it. At last, the king requested people to search by a telescope and they found out that the pearl was flying toward the south. So, the king ordered a general to go and chase after the pearl. The general set off he brought five hundred soldiers with him. They moved on ships which moved toward the south. After many days moving cross sea, the general saw the pearl dropped that was land of their neighbor southern country.  Dien Chi was a person who lived Gia Dinh. One night, when he was sitting outside his home

Snake revenge

Very long time ago, Nhi Khe was a wild area that trees and bushes grew very thick. This area had a large lake with a small island, Rua island, standing in middle of the lake. The island was filled full by seeds, hiding a monster in there. That was an ancient snake which had lived at there for one hundred years and only more short time it would change, being a powerful monster with many extraordinary magic that was known by the name Xa Tinh.  That time was the time Mr. Nguyen, a teacher lived. He saw the island was a silent, nice-looking place and wanted to build a class on the place. He asked headers of the area and was allowed to have the place. “Tomorrow, we will have days off to cut off seeds on the Rua island. You must be surprised that we will build a class on it”, said Nguyen cheerfully, “Wonderfull, isn’t it?” The ancient snake could know that people were intending to destroy its house. It found the way to warn teacher Nguyen. While Nguyen was sleeping, it came. “Man! Why y

Ghost revenge

A robber was caught he was sentenced to death. In the time, he stayed in prison waiting for his death, he told his family to find the way to save his life. His families made their way to the mandarin who judged him. They requested him to save the robber and he agreed to help them only if they could gave him twenty silver bars. His families gave him enough the silver but after he had the silver, he didn’t want to divide the silver to his fellows and higher mandarin. Therefore, the robber’s appeal was not cared. Later, the robber was killed as the before judgment. The mandarin wanted to avoid the robber’s family, he moved to other place. The thing because of that was forgotten. A student had chance to participate in the king’s contest but he was so poor. Though he borrowed money from his relatives and including his neighbors, he still didn’t have enough money to go to capital. When the date he set off came, a man came and made friend with him. The man asked him to go to capital with hi

Tale of tiger

Once upon a time, there had an angle in heaven. The angle’s name was Pham Nhi. Strong and combative were the words used to describe him. Things as moving mountain, filling sea, pushing ancient tree were normal things he used to do. His ability had surpassed almost other angles including generals in heaven. Pham Nhi always had things to do he used to find the strong to have a fight. But, they avoided them because there had had many strong angles who were knocked out after one punch. He became haughty when very few people dared to accept his challenge. He thought that generals   who servanted the king weren’t as strong as him that his name spread more largely than them. But, the king seemed not to pay attention to him. Instead of inviting him to castle and giving him a worthy position, the king did nothing. Then, he turned much haughty, not respecting his king. He thought that he could replace his king, ruling the heaven. Therefore, he gathered others to fight against the king. His fel

Chan Tinh

Once upon a time, the place where people lived was arid and cramped that made people’s lives turn difficult. One day, Buddha appeared and made an island emerge from middle of the sea, fertile and fresh. The island fast became dream area where people came and lived. But, there had a cruel monster, Chan Tinh, living in sea under their island. Chan Tinh was huge, looked like a snake but it had feet. It has an enormous mouth which was large enough to swallow three people one time and there had a horn on top of its head. Its body was covered by hard purple scales. It used to appear with two underlings, a python and a crocodile that both of them were cruel as it. They destroyed things on their ways, killed and gulped people and left when they filled full of their stomaches. October every year was their favorite time because that time people living in the island had a festival to thanked Buddha and also celebrated for their great harvest. The festival took place in few days that people san


Once upon a time, there had a sixty-year-old man, Le. Le was wealthy but he didn’t have son he had only a daughter. Besides, his wife had died so the girl was his only relative. When his daughter grew up, she married with a man in that area. Bui was his son-in-law and he married with his daughter because of his wealth. Le also thought that he would give them his assets when he died. “Now, I am over sixty years old, too old to give birth to any child. Son or daughter is also my child so that he or she also can be the heir”, thought him. And his intent turned more certain as his daughter had a son. One day, he went to his Bui’s house to meet his grandchild he now was three years old. While he was talking with Bui’s father, the grandchild approached the father of Bui and said: “Grandpa! Com-- in eat”. “Oh my sweet grandchild”, said the father of his son-in-law, joking “What about him? Do you want to invite him?”  The child shook his head and ran toward his grandpa, the person he fel

Gold hole, silver hole

Their parent died, left them valuable assets. They were two boys. They still lived together in their parent’s house till the old brother got married. After the old brother married, he wanted to divide their parent’s assets. Therefore, he wrote an agreement paper. “This is the time we need to divide our parent’s assets.” He said, “We both need private lives”.  “How will we divide?” said the young brother. “All things our parent left were in three types:  male, female and neutral. Because you are younger then me, I will give you all things which were male I will get things which were female and neutral. If you agreed, sign you name on this paper”, said the old brother. The young innocently thought that his brother was very kind, giving him good things so he signed his name on the paper. They started separating. “This house is mine. This female buffalo is mine. This plow is mine, This jar is mine….” said the old brother. From morning to afternoon, almost things belonged to the old

Binh and Dinh

Binh and Dinh were brothers. Their parent had died. Binh had married while Dinh was still a little boy. Dinh stayed in the same house with his brother and his wife but Binh and his wife were very greedy that they didn’t want to share things to their young bother. At last, they decided to divide their parent’s asset. Binh took all fertile fields, a brick house and other value things. He left Dinh a cottage, some barren fields and worthless stuff. “You should know the things I and my wife have now are things we had worked hard for years to have. The things our parent left are only the stuff so I and your sister-in-law decide to give you all”, said Binh. After they divided, Binh seemed not to care about his brother, living in convenience while his brother lived in poverty, working hard to live. Twenty years passed, Dinh still didn’t marry. He was poorer and had sold all fields he was left. Therefore, he had to work for other and besides, he also worked as a woodcutter. One day as norm

Tam and Tu

Once upon a time, there had a man named Tam. Tam was a musical instrument-maker. He used to bring musical instruments to other areas to sell. When all musical instruments were sold, he turned back home and made other musical instruments. One time, he went distantly. He met a man on his way. The man was under a tree resting. He felt tired so he approached the man and had a rest. They had a conversation and therefore, he knew the man was Tu. He was a trader but that time he lost all money. He was thinking about finding a new job to live, being a servant. Tam felt sorry for Tu so he gave him half of his food to Tu. “Help me shoulder my musical instruments till you separate, I will pay you some money”, said Tam. They went. Later, they both felt thirsty. They found the way to a well but the well was nearly dry, too deep to take water. Tu turned to Tam and said: “We have only choice. One of us will stand here, keep a top of this rope so the other can follow this rope to the bottom of th

Giap Hai

A widow lived alone in a hut by the sea. She sold tea to travelers to live. One day, a traveler went in her hut. After he drank, he went away but left his bag at there. The widow opened the bag   and realized it was full of silver. Therefore, she took the bag and stored it in her bed room. Few days later, the traveler came back in hurry. His face turned white. She immediately knew what he want, she brought the bag and returned him. All things were still in the bag as the traveler checked. To show his grateful, the traveler divided the silver in two and gave her a half. But, the widow shook her head. “I won’t take it”, she said, “I will not take anything without working to have them”. He insisted but she refused.   “You know, if I was greedy, I will not sell tea to have each coin”, she added. The traveler seemed not to give up. At last, he said: “I don’t want to hide you I am a geomancer who walked around and find area which spread mysterious energy. Anyone who was buried in the a

Kill python

Deeply to forest, in a not-ending, huge cave lived a flesh-eating python. It had a giant head with red crest. Its eyes were as big as oranges and sparkling. Its body was about hundred-meter length, covered by big hard scales. When it moved, it stuck down trees on it way, brought dust, sands to go with it. That looked like a small tornado cleaned all things on its way. The python had killed may people, cattle and therefore, people could smell terrible smell on its body from a distance. People had found the way to kill it many times but almost of them lost their lives. “Whoever can kill the python will be my daughter’s husband”, notified the recent king. But, at that moment, the king had to build a temple and promised that he would bring a girl to this temple to gift the python to have its less sabotage. He was a young man, fed and taught by monks in a temple standing on a high mountain. Monks were kungfu masters. They taught him very carefully. When he was mature, monks gifted him a

Huyen Quang

Huyen Quang lived in Tran dynasty, was a student. His parent was farmer but had no field. Though they were employees, they tried their best to help their son go to school. When Huyen Quang was enough old to marry, he engaged with a girl in rich family living in that area. Years passed, Huyen Quang had ever brought presents to their house, had stayed in their   house and worked very hard. But, as wedding day came, bride’s family returned presents and canceled the wedding without reason. Huyen Quang was very sad and felt more painful as he heard his bride married with a person in a mandarin family. Later, his parent matched him to another girl but that time the wedding was also canceled because the bride’s family thought that he had no talent and their daughter would live in poverty if she married with him. Two times he was refused that made him study more diligently. When he was 21 years old, he passed provincial contest then set off to participate in the contest held in capital. Th