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Heracles and the Hydra dragon book

When Heracles was spending his three-month boring holiday, someone come and sent to him a present. It was a golden suit in a wooden box. A letter was sent with it. Heracles read and knew that the suit was made of golden fur of the Nemea lion which he by someway killed as he had been Hippocoon. It’s a wonderful present. However, there had a strange thing the name of the person who sent gift to him disappeared right before Heracles could read it. It made him a bit confused then he decided to wear the suit but after few seconds on her body the suit vanished as though it had never existed. Heracles was really confused. He found all the way to find out what had happened but he couldn’t and believed that was only a joke. Then Gwen visited. He brought to him a parchment and ancient book. He by someway found out that his ancestors had been fellows of griffins which lived in somewhere call Eagle – head island. The parchment was the map leading to the Eagle – head island and the ancient book was